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SOLR News - Traditions Around The World

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Author: Rhubarbara White

Hello, citizens! It’s that time of year again. For anyone new to this column, I like to interview people on the street during the holiday season to get insight on what our beloved community members do to celebrate with their loved ones. This has become a tradition of my own in a way, because it helps me connect with my fellow neighbors and get to know them better. Now, it’s your turn! Here are some testimonies I gathered over the weekend:

Seein’ as my family an’ I just got here, we ain’t gotten up to much yet. We got the typical things, like putting up lights and such, though I guess not every family gets help from a pumpkin as big as ours, ha ha! Boo here ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at. He’s a beaut! Grew him for a local competition where the prize was some of that there “spice of life,” as it were, and we just couldn’t see him go after all that effort. Now he’s a part of the family! Though uh, you was askin’ about traditions, right? We always hang a cute wreath on Boo and include him in our Thanksgiving dinner.

- Tucker McBaker, 34

Ah, well, I’ve gotten up there in years so lots of my family has passed on, but I’m thankful my darling daughter and grandkids invite me over for the festivities. She turned out to have an affinity for foodie husbandry, so usually around this time every year, she lets her kids help her choose what to raise next by baking and cooking up a lot of dishes. Anything that the kids don’t choose gets donated to the food pantry, so any families who can’t raise foodies on their own can still have access to them and receive extra support. I’m very thankful that I was able to help her realize her talent at a young age. To think, it all started with a baby carrot!

- Orin Julius, 73

Ummmm… my dad, uh, likes to… make pop rocks with spice!! They go POP and BANG and shoosh all around!! It’s very pretty!! I love all the colors but blue’s my favorite I hope you like pop rocks too!!

- Bonbon, 7

My roommate always brings home puppy chow from his family when he comes back from holiday break. It’s really cute to see them run around and cause some chaos for a bit, but I really hope my neighbors don’t think we’re being loud. As for my family, I don’t visit them much because they’re so far away, but they always send me some seasonal ingredients that I can’t get over here so I can make my favorite lasagna ever. Not only is it delicious, but if I need some extra help, he’s great at being a shelf for me.

- Eclair, 21

I lost my family during the war, but I honor their memory around the holidays by making their favorite foods and letting them accompany me for a bit as if they’re back here with me. After the holidays, I donate them to the food pantry. I’m very thankful for all they did for me.

- John Dough, ???

I’m just TOUCHED by all these beautiful people! I’m so grateful that I get to live in this wonderful community and get to know all of you as your resident news reporter. Keep an eye out for next week when we interview Doctor Orin Julius about his memoir, “From Pit to Table: How One Crash Changed Everything!”

Yours in Spirit,
Rhubarbara White